
If you can't find the information you're looking for, our dedicated support team is here to help. Choose from the following contact options

Custom and design your card, make it unique

Issue virtual and physics cards at no additional cost to support team of any size.

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Control every dollar spent

Get precise control—at scale—with the ability to lock any card and restrict any type of spend.

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Spend smarter

Effortlessly save with AI-driven insights that identify duplicate expenses and unclaimed rewards

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Hold money in 30+ currencies

Diversify your financial assets effortlessly, allowing you to safely store money in more than 30 currencies.

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Subscription you control in one place

Empower your subscription experience with our centralized control hub.


Centralized Subscription Management

Experience streamlined control with our Centralized Subscription Management.

Card Gold
Active users daily
Years experience in banking
Trusted partners around the world